Top Albums from 1983 Live Tonight @ 7pm!

Muk’s  back and this time  we will do a deep dive back to the year 1983 when bands like Def Leppard, The Police and Quiet Riot ruled not only the charts but had massive video rotation as well.

Tonight we will discuss what rocked our world that year only on Scotch On The Rocks(Youtube)!

After tonight  I’m taking a break from live streaming til the New Year.

Thanks to all you have watched and have subscribed to the official Scotch On The Rocks YouTube  channel.

As I told Snowman last week when our stream ended that this deal that I’m doing is “Our” show, meaning whomever is on with me whether it’s the  MarsMan, Snowman, Ladano, Muk or actual  music guys it’s “Our” show that night.

I just set up the stream, invite guests (they pick the night) and try to figure it out as we go live.

Speaking of which you can only watch it live or on rerun on Youtube as I’m no longer connecting it to Facebook.

Some hiccups, but it’s live without a net so to speak..

Thanks Folks…

14 thoughts on “Top Albums from 1983 Live Tonight @ 7pm!”

  1. Looking forward to seeing you guys again tonight. One more time before we ring in the new year!

    Critical year in rock… I’ll be listening intently for anything I can add to my Pyromania review!

    Liked by 1 person

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